Friday, August 20, 2010

How to...with a 3mth old?

My baby used to have colic really bad @ 1st but now he's getting older and its getting much much better. He's 3mths now.

When/after u had ur baby when were u able to start

working-out again or start tanning, etc. on a regular basis?

I find it so hard cas its just me with very little help and prefer not to take him Everywhere with me. I just don't think u should be toting a baby like an accessory and having burp and change him in public, etc.. Just feels like a hassle right now until he's a little more independent.

When were you able to start doing more things?

Or when were you able to take him with while you did things, etc.?

How old was your baby/babies/kids?

Were/Are you good while traveling/mutlitasking with kids, etc.?How to...with a 3mth old?
I am only answering this questions, because my experience has been very different than the rest. With my first born, I stayed home with him for the first nine months. I did not have a vehicle so we spent a lot of time walking (with him in the stroller). Once he started crawling, my life got a ton easier- he could entertain himself and follow me around.

With my daughter (she's 9 months old now), we have taken 1 long drive (6 hours in the car) and she did great. However, we are going to wait for her to be a little older before we take any more long trips.

I still have not found the time to workout or do things for me- (probably is my choice). I work full time, I take care of the household (cooking, grocery shopping, laundry, mowing the lawn, etc.) and I take care of my kids. My husband ends up taking care of the baby as I do better with my 2.5 year old.

Start out with quick trips out- you will get the hang of it and your child will love it especially at 3 months.How to...with a 3mth old?
I think it is important to take your child with you places because if you get them used to being in the store/restaraunt whatever, they will know how to behave in public. Just imagine one day taking your toddler to the store for the first time because you just have no other choice and they act like a an animal you have just taken from the wildnerness to your living room.
I took my baby everywhere after the first 3 weeks. You just make sure that you have all that you need. Bottles, diapers, wipes, etc. It's not hard once you get used to it. I just ensure that my diaper bag has all I need in it at all times. Check out some mommy and baby work out classes. I heard the salsa dancing is excellent. You learn to multitask. You have to, otherwise you get cabin fever at home.
My son has gone every where with me pretty much from day 1. I just put him in a sling and off we go. I breastfeed him and he won't take a bottle so he has to go every where with me. I really like it because I know he won't be a baby forever. He even comes to work with me but that's only because im the owner. I hope that helps and good luck.
my son is 4 months, and we just went to the mall for first time. only other places he has gone, is to dinner w/ friends or family, and to peoples houses. I also just took him garage saling w/ me in his stroller. He's pretty good, until I stop pushing the stroller lol
I always have taken my baby everywhere. He has yet to be sick and he is 6 months old. He went out to dinner with us at 3 days old and went on a weekend vacation with us at 11 days old. Sorry if you don't' feel thats appropriate but thats how I got stuff done and thats what we did. Good luck.
I have 5 month old twins so I have been extremly busy. I have become very good at multitasking. I am now able to cook, clean, do just about anything with a baby on my hip. I made the mistake of taking my kids out when they were little. They both ended up getting RSV and being in the hospital for 2 months. But since they got that so young the doctors said that it made their immune systems stronger. At five months my daughter got RSV again but she was able to handle it on her own this time. My five month old son has heart problems so he is prone to infection anyways. If I have to bring them out, I do it around their schedule. If I have to run to the store I usually do it right after they got done eating and just got changed. That way I don't have to worry about doing that kind of stuff in public. Now with them being five months old I can do just about anything. If you want to go tanning, then go. The doors have a lock on them, so try to go during nap time. You're only in the bed for like 20min max. So do it when you know that the baby will be sleeping. Work out at home. Or if that is not an option, ask someone to babysit. You'll get the hang of it. Besides you need some alone time or else you'll go insane!
I am a mother of 3 girls, ages 4, 2 and 11 months. I know for me is was so much easier to take them out as little ones (under 24 months). One of my first trips out after my last daughter was to get a pedicure, I think she was about a week old (the other 2 were in daycare).

On weekends, I hardly leave the house with all 3 in tow. Inevitably one of the older 2 will throw a fit in public, so I try not to even put them in the situation. If I do go out I take the baby and one of the older ones. I can usually get what I need done that way.

Day-to-day, though, I just make time in my schedule after work to get my shopping done so I don't have to take the kids.

Our big test will be this winter, when we drive or fly all 3 to Boston for my sister's wedding.
well my daughter is 7 years old now, and she acts like she is 14 (arghh) anyways, at 3 days old, I was out and about with her everyday (walking) at 2 weeks old, I was running again (with her in her stroller) I am a single mother, work full time, own a home, have two large dogs, two birds and a cat. So from the beginning I never really had any help, so while I was mowing the lawn, she was in her car seat (On the front steps) she has always come with me to the grocery store, shopping, theatres (They have Mom and Tots day at the theatres here so I took her there from 3 months on)

I guess I was ok with multitasking, however I can say, 8 pm would roll around and I probably would pass out immediately (Even before she would!)
Is this your fist child? I was a virtual prisoner with mine because she was colicky and I didn't know what to do. The minute she barely whimpered in a store, I would leave. But now with my second (who is 2 mos) I know that if she fusses for 5-15 minutes it won't kill either of us and I can get the errands done. I take her everywhere with me except for personal stuff like getting my hair and nails done. That is my time! So I ask my father-in-law or a neighbor to watch her so I can run out without child for an hour or so and pamper myself. Or I wait for my husband to get home and go then. As for working out, I walk and run with her, but some gyms will offer free 1-hour sitting at their facility (like the YMCA). Also, I flew almost all the way across the country with the 2 mo. old and had no problems. People are very helpful and understanding when it comes to feeding and changing a baby in public and if bothered anybody, I didn't notice. As with anything, the more you go out/travel/multi-task with kids, the easier it gets. Your confidence builds in time. I wish someone had told me this with my first because I went crazy sitting home all day. Good luck!
My baby comes with me everywhere and she is most certainly not an accessory, rather, a little human being. I waited to really take her out and about until she received her first set of immunizations and once the weather was a bit warmer. We also drove from the midwest to FL to see family - she's already been on a plane and she's 4.5 months!

Sounds like having a baby was more of an inconvenience for you perhaps? Have someone watch him/her and bring her with you so you can introduce him/her to the world!
oh please dont worry what people think there are babies everywhere and 9 out of 10 people you will see will be parents themselves and would have heard a thousend burps, my boy is 3 months old and he is loveley to take out, i just have to make myself take bottle, nappies, wipes, change of clothes in case hes sick and away i go, its very important that you get out and about with your baby it will mek you more confident as a mother , they are much more portable wen they are this age as they slleep a lot, work out when your babys asleep and tan on a weekend when your hubbys there to watch him for an hour while you go, and please dont see your child as a burden he is a blessing, and a miracle how you made him, a beutifull little humen being.
When I had my daughter I started leaving my house all the time when she was only 4 days old. Granted she pretty much lived in her car seat but I was still able to visit friends and family. You just need to be comfortable enough to go out with your little one. I was scared for germs also and made everyone wash their hands before they held her but you quickly get over that. Shes only had 2 colds since shes been born. We actually went camping one month after she was born for 4 days. My daughter is now 11 months old and I am currently 7 months pregnant with my second. I still get out of the house. Go out to eat with friends and shop when I feel like it and take her with me. She loves going out. People love seeing babies. If you are concerned about feeding and burping in public (like I was at first) go out to your car to do all that. I later got something called Hooter Hiders (seriously) it's like a shawl that covers your body with a strap that goes around your neck. It has a wire that holds a small portion over your chest up so you can still see whats going on. I know how hard it can be to try to use a blanket. Until I got the Hooter hider I always told people I was going to feed my baby and if their was a problem than they can feel free to leave the room. As for working out, I always did it at home with a fitness channel While my baby was napping or playing in a toy. Besides, when your baby gets older and can move around on their own you will be getting plenty of exercise just chasing after them. I wish you luck.
i always took my baby everywhere. for exercise, i push her in her stroller to %26amp; around the park. things are easier than ever, now that nursing is not so complicated %26amp; rigid. she's 3 months now. i get paranoid about germs, too, but then i remember--allergies %26amp; asthma are quite likely caused by kids not being exposed to ENOUGH germs. my mom was a clean freak, and my brother %26amp; i have both. my little girl has only gotten one little cold (stuffy nose)--even with an obnoxious snot nosed toddler shoving her dirty little fingers into my baby's mouth!

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