Friday, August 20, 2010

Can i takee out my industrial ?

SO its Jan 28th and ive had my industrial since xmas break which is around like the 17th or 18th rii? i want to take out thee jewlery %26amp;%26amp; clean EVERYTHING out but idk how much its qonna hurt or if i can even do it yet. I just need to know if i should or shouldnt %26amp;%26amp; if so how to with the least amount of pain lol.Can i takee out my industrial ?
Jan 17th and 18th? Then no.Can i takee out my industrial ?
You Shouldd BE Ablee Too x
I wouldn't do it. Cartilage piercings are tricky, I've heard that industrials especially are really difficult to heal... as long as the piercing never got infected, there shouldn't be anything in there to clean, anyway. Provided the piercing is healing well, not oozing or having any probems like that, you can probably take the beads off the end of the bar (one at a time, and don't take the bar out) and clean it like that, but the jewlery absolutely needs to stay in the hole. Taking it out and putting it back in will irritate it. And I'm asuming you mean Dec 18th, right?

Good luck!
Nooo no no. its not yet healed
I would just leave it in until it gets completely healed, mine took forever to heal. just move it around a bit so you can clean it sure it might hurt a bit to do it but it'll hurt to put it back in worse (if you decide to do that).

good luck
Do NOT take out the jewelry, you do NOT need to completely clean anything. Cartilage piercings take 8-12 months to fully heal, you are no where NEAR that mark. Removing it now will just delay healing and greatly increase your risk of infection.
you should be able to take it out by now. i would do it in the shower under very warm water. this would make your skin a little more stretchy so that it doesn't hurt as much

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